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JavaScript Framework Ecosystem

Author: Natalia Venditto

Date First Published: Wed Jan 04 2023

JavaScript: A hyped up ecosystem

I mentioned this before, but since JavaScript frameworks and their ecosystems are very prone to building it around them, I want to remind you that the first rule to succeed at adopting a new technology is to avoid the hype.

Refer to the homepage to evaluate if you need micro frontends, and to architecture and patterns sections to learn about best practices and patterns.

Remember that if an implementation is working for you and it solves yours (or your customer’s) business problems, you do not need a migration or a new piece of tech to maintain.

JavaScript frameworks

The JavaScript ecosystem is vast and one of the most dynamic ones: you may have seen memes all around describing this phenomena. JavaScript frameworks, bundlers, build tools, runtimes and recently even dedicated cloud hosting providers are likely to be released more often than not.

Recently I did a conference talk, where I spoke about Server Side Rendering and the evolution of modern JavaScript frameworks, that led us to this point in time, and I discussed the most used frameworks between 2010 and 2016 and their stable release dates.

  • Backbone (Oct. 2010)
  • Angular.js (Oct. 2010)
  • Ember (Dec. 2011)
  • React (May 2013)
  • Vue (Feb. 2014)
  • Angular (Sept. 2016)
  • Svelte (Dec. 2016)

In any case, I think what matters, is the application type each framework supports or the rendering strategies, or data fetching strategies they support. You have more information about it, in the next pages.

javascript hydration